slide show
2010-09-07 / POSTED IN: Nyheter

SPEAK NOW WORLD TOUR - 85 konserter i 18 länder

Universal Japan har släppt de tre första datumen från Taylors Speak Now turné, som kommer att starta i Oksana, Japan den 13 februari 2011. Enligt dem kommer Taylors första WORLD TOUR vara i 18 länder (HÅLL TUMMARNA ATT SVERIGE ÄR MED DÄR) och ha 85 konserter!! De tre första datumen är 13:e, 16:e och 17:e februari 2011 - alla i Japan! Klicka in här för lite mer information.

omg!! Kan inte vänta tills mer information om hennes första world tour!

(korsar fingrarna - plz plz plz plz låt henne komma till sverige)

Källa #1: TaylorSwiftWeb
Källa #2: CreativeMan
2010-09-04 / POSTED IN: Nyheter

Här sitter Taylor på VMA!

Den 12:e september är det alltså dags för MTV Music Video awards och Taylor kommer att vara där. Rykten säger även att att hon kommer presentera under galan men ingenting är bekräftat än. Hon kommer att sitta framför Lady Gaga :)

Källa #1: TaylorConnect

Källa #2: MTV.COM

2010-09-02 / POSTED IN: Nyheter

Mix Me in2 nominerad till "Best Music Engagement App"

Mix Me in2, en iTunes-app man kan använda för att göra nya versioner av några av Taylors låtar har blivit nominerad för "best Music Engagement App" av Billboard! Vinnaren kommer att bli vald den 5 oktober.

Taylor's iPhone/iPod application, Mix Me In2 Taylor Swift, has been nominated for Best Music Engagement App

by Billboard! The winner will be chosen by a panel of judges on October 5 at the Music App Summit in San Francisco.

Visit for more information about Mix Me In2 Taylor Swift and download the app now in the App Store!

Check out video below of Taylor and Grant having fun with Mix Me In2...


Källa: Jordan - TaylorConnect


haha, älskar videon!


(vill även tipsa er om att TaylorSwiftWeb har lagt upp HQ screen-caps från Mine musikvideon nu!)


2010-09-01 / POSTED IN: Nyheter

Nominerad till en CMA!

Nomineringarna till 2010 CMA Awards släpptes nyligen, och Taylor är nominerad till Female Vocalist of the year. Vi kan tyvärr inte rösta på detta, så håll tummarna för henne! Grattis till din nominering Tay <3

Hon är upp mot;

Miranda Lambert

Martina McBride

Reba McEntire

Carrie Underwood

Gå in här för att se hela listan.
2010-08-30 / POSTED IN: Nyheter

Taylors uppkommande schema

TaylorSwiftWeb la upp Taylors uppkommande schema de närmaste månaderna (so far)! 

September 2010
Sept. 6th – Country Weekly – “Mine” video feature 

Sept. 9th – NBC – NFL Kick-Off – Performance 

Sept. 12th – MTV Video Music Awards - Nominated

October 2010 
Oct. 25th – The Today Show – performance 

November 2010
NOV - Glamour – Cover story

NOV -Web MD --  Cover Story (Nov/ Dec issue)

Nov. 7th – Tribune Media – syndicated weekly newspaper TV guide insert feature

Nov. 25th – NBC – Thanksgiving Night Concert Special

Det verkar även som om vi kommer att få se Taylor på flera omslag på tidningar (= nya photshoot) och att det kommer vara mycket nyheter inför hennes nya album. Kan inte ens beskriva med ord över hur exalterad jag är inför allt nytt!! :)

2010-08-29 / POSTED IN: Nyheter

Två nya låtar bekräftade! - "A Swift Return"

I Entertainment Weekly pratar Taylor om hennes kommande album och bekräftar även TVÅ NYA LÅTAR; The Story Of Us och Back To December!!

Här är ett utdrag från artikeln där hon berättar om vad de två nya låtarna handlar om.

She describes Speak Now as a two-year diary covering everything from her "tendency to run from love" in first single "Mine" (already a top 10 hit) to "the anxiety and conflict and awkwardness you feel running into an ex in public" in "The Story Of Us". "Back To December," she says, is the "first time I've ever apologized to anyone in a song." "I was careless with a boy's heart, and I shouln't have been."

Hon berättar även att titellåten på albumet, Speak Now, blev inspirerad av en vän till Taylor som såg sin kärlek gifta sig med någon annan. Hon frågade då sin vän under bröllopet om hon skulle "speak now or forever hold your peace".

Det blir dålig kvalité om jag lägger upp bilden här, så jag länkar er till TaylorSwiftWeb's galleri där ni kan se den tydligare. Det är en väldigt bra artikel och absolut värd att läsa!


Bildkälla: TaylorSwiftWeb

Nu vet vi fem låtar som kommer att vara på albumet!

- Mine
- Sparks Fly
- Speak Now
- The Story Of Us
- Back To Decembe


2010-08-27 / POSTED IN: Nyheter

Intervju med Entertainment Weekly

Entertainment Weekly kommer att ha en intervju med Taylor i veckans nummer! De har släppt ett utdrag från deras chatt med Taylor på deras hemsida, läs den nedan. Det är verkligen en läsvärd intervju, där hon pratar om sitt uppkommande album, Speak Now!

As you’re likely very well aware, Grammy-winning star Taylor Swift has recorded another sure-to-be-massive album, Speak Now, which comes out Oct. 25.

The star, who has rocketed to fame over the past few years, recently spoke to EW about her new disc, telling us that it’s a “collection of confessions—things I wish I had said when I was in the moment.” The title track, indeed, is about “the moment in a wedding where you speak now or forever hold your peace.” That’s just a tease about the album. More details can be found in the Fall Music Preview in this week’s issue of Entertainment Weekly.

But until you pick that up, enjoy some outtakes from our chat with Taylor.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Do you remember the moment when you finished the track list and how that felt?
I finished the track list about two months ago. I don’t stop writing songs when I have enough songs to make an album. For the last two years, I have just been trying to beat what I have on this list of potential songs for the record.

I would think that working on an album is stressful. But when you talk about working on Speak Now, you seem so happy. Was it a joyful process? Or was there a stressful part to making it?
There is a stressful and joyful element to making an album. For me, I’m either incredibly stressed or overjoyed, and the way  that usually goes is that if I’ve just written a song, I’m the happiest you will ever see me. But if I haven’t written a song in a week and a half, I am more stressed than you will ever, ever see me at any other point. If I haven’t written a song in more than about nine days, that’s when I start to zone out in the middle of conversations because I’m thinking about what I could be writing about next. For me, it’s just such a fun challenge to constantly be writing and constantly be trying to top what you just wrote. It’s one of my favorite games to play—trying to beat what I’ve written last. What I wrote last is something I got really excited about when I wrote it, but I know I could write something better. But it’s just a really fun thing to go through.


Fortsätt att läsa...


Källa #1: TaylorSwiftWeb
Källa #2: Entertainment Weekly
2010-08-27 / POSTED IN: Nyheter

Taylor är tillbaka i Maine!

Taylor twittrade igår att hon är tillbaka i Kennebunkport, Maine, för att filma några delar av den här Tv-specialen som sänds idag (/inatt i sverige). Hon sågs utanför Christ Church tillsammans med värden för showen Katie Cook.

Bildkälla: TaylorSwiftWeb

Ville även lägga upp en underbar bild Taylor nyligen lagt upp på twitter, eftersom alla kanske inte har sett den.

Har inte kollat upp vad tiden kommer att vara i Sverige när programmet visas, utan återkommer med detta! Vi kommer att kunna se videon på, och (kollade upp om svenska MTV skulle sända den på TV, men det står inget om det på deras tv-tablå).

Taylor och Katie kommer att vara live och visa Mine musikvideo för första gången, diskutera videon och inspelningsplatsen m.m.

Jag är inte säker om de kommer att visa hela denna tv-specialen på nätet, eller om de bara kommer att släppa musikvideon där. Jag är extremt förvirrad, men jag återkommer med det med...!


2010-08-26 / POSTED IN: Nyheter

Taylor donerar 100,000 dollar till "Kids Kingdom"

"The Kids Kingdom" är en tretton år gammal lekpark som ligger i Hendersonville, TN. Taylor donerade nyligen 100,000 dollar till att återuppbygga denna, eftersom den flera gånger varit under vatten. Donationen föreslags att användas till parken, men även stadens volleyboll planer!
Country music sensation and former Hendersonville resident Taylor Swift recently donated $100,000 to the city’s efforts to rebuild Kids Kingdom, Mayor Scott Foster announced Tuesday.

The $100,000 donation from the Taylor Swift Charitable Fund had been discussed earlier in the evening when the city’s finance committee members voted to send an ordinance accepting the money to the full board. Board members are expected to vote on the ordinance at the next Board of Mayor and Aldermen meeting on Sept. 14.

According to Parks Director Dave LeMarbre, Swift made the donation to help the city with its flood relief efforts. Although the 13-year-old children’s playground had been underwater several times over the years, it wasn’t destroyed by the historic flood that hit the city May 1-2. Had it been damaged more, the city might have received insurance money for the damage, LeMarbre noted. He said Swift’s business manager suggested the money go toward Kids Kingdom and refurbishing the city’s volleyball courts.

“It’s overwhelming,” LeMarbre said. “We didn’t expect that. We appreciate Taylor’s donation as well as all the others who have stepped up.”

Fortsätt att läsa...

Källa #1: TaylorSwiftWeb

Källa #2: Tennessean


2010-08-25 / POSTED IN: Nyheter

CMT app på iTunes

CMT Insider har släppt en gratis app på iTunes, där man kan få exklusiva behind-the-scenes klipp från Mine musikvideo före alla andra!
Det är en app för alla country - artister, alltså inte bara Taylor. Läs mer nedan! Klicka på källa #2 länken för att komma till iTunes längst ner på inlägget.

CMT Insider now gives you unparalleled access to the biggest country stars around the clock! We’re launching with
behind-the-scenes clips from TAYLOR SWIFT’s new video, “Mine”, exclusive to this app! Get them here first, in advance of the worldwide video premiere on CMT and on Friday, August 27th!

Get country with the CMT Insider app for iPhone and iPod Touch:
* Watch exclusive video, and get updates throughout the day from CMT’s dedicated music team
* Read articles sorted by Artist, and find only the stories on the people you care about
* Scroll through exclusive celeb pics from CMT events and beyond
* Find out when your favorite artists will be touring near you

Download it now, and keep your eyes open for exciting exclusives from CMT!

(nu har jag inte iPhone, iPad eller iPod Touch, så jag vet inte riktigt vad en "app" är - så ursäkta om jag beskriver  det fel. rätta mig gärna, haha)



Källa #1: CMT
Källa #2: iTunes

2010-08-23 / POSTED IN: Nyheter

Extended sneak-peak CMA festival

Det har kommit ut en ny sneak-peak från tv-specialen där Taylor uppträder MINE för första gången. På förra fick vi inte se så mycket av själva uppträdandet, utan mest om hennes 13-hour meet & greet. Nu har det alltså släppts ett nytt utökad CMA festival reklam-inslag där de visar runt en minut av när Taylor sjunger.


Källa: Jordan - TaylorConnect

2010-08-23 / POSTED IN: Nyheter

När Taylor träffade Paramore första gången!

Nu när Taylor gick på deras konsert för någon dag sedan, tänkte jag lägga upp en artikel jag hittade på internet där det står hur och när de träffades! Tyckte det var intressant.

About three years ago, Taylor Swift met pop-punk band Paramore at a party for Grammy nominees in Nashville, a city both acts call home.

What a funny meeting that was, by the way – They all focused on their differences in height, like, right away.

“God, I’m such a towering GIANT!” Taylor said as she stood nearly a foot above Paramore members.

“No dude,” retorted lead singer Hayley Williams, “we’re freakin’ MIDGETS!”

Since then, Taylor and the guys and gal in Paramore have been great friends.

And here’s the latest proof: Taylor put a sparkly No. 13 (her lucky number) on the bass of a guy in New Found Glory, a punk-rock band opening for Paramore.

Paramore put the pic up on its Web site with the caption: “Taylor helped Ian (Grushka) decorate his bass with a bedazzled 13! Pimp for sure.”


Källa: Country Weekly

Bildkälla: Tony Phipps / Wire Images (via Country Weekly)

2010-08-23 / POSTED IN: Nyheter

Koreografen till VMA uppträdandet förra året pratar om Taylor

Koreografen Danielle Flora som planerade Taylors uppträdande på förra årets VMA säger att hon blev inspirerad av You Belong With Me musikvideon och Taylor honsjälv, nedan.

At the 2009 Video Music Awards, Taylor Swift not only took over the subway for her show-stopping rendition of her VMA-winning hit, "You Belong With Me," but she also took over Sixth Avenue and sang her heart out in a girly, apple-red dress. Choreographer Danielle Flora, who worked with the singer on the performance, admits that her Lucas Till-starring video played a major role in the staging and choreography of the performance.

"I did seek a lot of inspiration from her video. I mean, I think it's important to know someone's work and what they've done, especially if you're going to be choreographing for them," Flora told MTV News. "You need to know what their style is and what they like and ... really understand who they are. And I think I did get inspiration from her videos, and I was inspired by her."

As it turns out, Swift herself was as much an inspiration as the Roman White-directed video. "She is pretty amazing. I am inspired by her songwriting abilities," she said. "She is a very interesting girl. She is a very smart girl."


Fortsätt att läsa..



Källa: MTV

Bildkälla: Jason Kempin / Getty Images (via MTV)

2010-08-22 / POSTED IN: Nyheter

Chelsea planerar för VMA...

Alla vet vad som hände på förra årets VMA, och att det blev en enorm uppståndelse efter detta. Nu, ett år senare, så är Chelsea Handler värd för MTV Video Music Awards och hon planerar att göra något "roligt" som har med Taylor och Kanye West att göra.

Kanye West and Taylor Swift – it's time to let bygones be bygones. At least that's what Chelsea Handler thinks.

The host of MTV's upcoming Video Music Awards wants to make peace between the two mega-stars, she told Ryan Seacrest on his KISS-FM radio show Thursday.

"We'll try to think of something clever to do with them, because that would be really fun," Handler said.

West sparked a scandal last year when he stormed the stage at the MTV VMAs during Swift's acceptance speech for "Best Female Video" award. The rapper yanked the microphone from Swift's hands to begin ranting that fellow nominee, Beyonce, had "one of the greatest videos of all time" for "Single Ladies."

Even though West has apologized, the two haven't been seen in the same vicinity since that fateful day.

"I'd like to get them together," Handler told Seacrest. "We've never really seen them together since then. They were supposed to be together on 'SNL,' but then that didn't end up happening."

Since West is slated to perform at this year's VMAs on Sept. 12, anything could happen – even reconciliation.

Källa: NyDailyNews

Jag kan bara tänka mig att om de ska göra något roligt, så måste Taylor vara med på det, eller vad tycker ni? Men Taylor har ju även skojat om "incidenten" flera gånger (på SNL bland annat), så vi får väl se hur det blir!
2010-08-20 / POSTED IN: Nyheter

Artikel om 'Mine' i Rolling Stone

Taylor Swift was somewhere over the Pacific Ocean, on a flight bound for Tokyo, when one of her managers walked over to her seat. “He said, ‘I don’t want you to panic,’” Swift recalls. “And I said, “The song leaked didn’t it?’” Swift was right. “Mine,” the lead single from her upcoming album, Speak Now, was all over the Internet 12 days before its planned release date. “We’d been on superhigh alert,” says Scott Borchetta, president of Swift’s label, Big Machine. “Once it hit Perez Hilton, I called everyone and said, ‘We’ve gotta go now!’”


Within a few hours, Borchetta’s team had sent the single to radio and orchestrated a rush-release to iTunes. “Plans changed,” says Borchetta. “That’s the way of the world.”


By the time Swift landed, “Mine” was Number One on iTunes (the song sold 297,000 copies in four days). “I turned on my phone and there were texts saying, ‘Congratulations’” recalls Swift. “A leak is so out of my comfort zone, but it ended up good in the end. It made me so emotional that I started crying.”


“Mine” follows in the tradition of Swift’s biggest hits; it’s a catchy country-pop love song that’s ripped straight from her diary. “I was reflecting back on a boy I liked at a certain time,” she says. “The song is about what it would be like if I actually let my guard down.” The tune also raises expectations for the singer’s third album, which retailers expect to sell around 800,000 copies its first week, making it one of the biggest records of the year. (Her last album, 2008’s Fearless, is six times platinum.)


At home in Nashville, Swift is bracing for a whirlwind. “I’m obsessed with being busy,” she says. “It’s hectic and nonstop, but I’m so ready.”


Källa: T-Swift.Com
2010-08-18 / POSTED IN: Nyheter

Var vi kommer att kunna se MINE den 27 augusti

CMT, MTV, VH1 and MTV International will team up to present the global premiere of Taylor's new video, "Mine," on Aug. 27, reaching more than 160 countries around the world. The eagerly-anticipated video will touch all of the MTV Music Group channels and websites in a cross-channel, cross-platform event featuring simultaneous online premieres and heavy on-air promotion, including a half-hour special to air across CMT, MTV and VH1.

Taylor will introduce the video for the first time before a live audience during CMT Premieres Taylor Swift "Mine," a special which airs Aug. 27 at 8 p.m. ET/PT. In the special, Taylor returns to Kennebunk and Kennebunkport, Maine, where the video was filmed with co-star Toby Hemingway. The special includes a behind-the-scenes look as Swift gives CMT host Katie Cook a tour of the quaint towns and offers personal insight into how her latest video came to life., and, along with MTV International sites, will present the video for "Mine" in an exclusive online premiere beginning at 8:30 p.m. ET.

MTV will debut the video on-air during its prime time lineup on Aug. 27 at 9 p.m. ET/PT, while VH1 is set to air the video on VH1 Top 20 Video Countdown on Aug. 28 at 9 a.m. ET/PT. In addition, MTV will re-telecast the half-hour special on Aug. 28 at 10 a.m. ET/PT, while VH1 is set to air it the same day at 5 p.m. ET/PT.


Källa: Jordan - TaylorConnect

2010-08-18 / POSTED IN: Nyheter

Nomineringarna till CMA Awards släpps i september

Country Music’s Biggest Morning” is too big for one day! CMA announced today that the final nominees for “The 44th Annual CMA Awards” will be announced over two mornings, from two cities.

On Wednesday, September 1st, Dierks Bentley and Miranda Lambert will announce the final nominees in five CMA Awards categories live from the “Good Morning America” studios in the heart of New York City’s Times Square on ABC. The announcement will air in the 8:30 AM/ET half-hour segment of the morning news program.

On Tuesday, August 31st, Justin Moore and Chris Young will announce the finalists in seven CMA Awards categories from Nashville at a press conference at the historic Ryman Auditorium. In Nashville, Steel Magnolia will announce the finalists for the 2010 CMA Broadcast Award Personality and Radio Station of the Year in four categories (small, medium, large, and major markets), as well as the finalists for the CMA National Broadcast Personality.

“CMT Insider Special Edition: 2010 CMA Awards Nominations,” featuring in-depth coverage of all the nominations, artist interviews, and more, will premiere on Wednesday, September 1st (11:00 AM/ET). The 30-minute special will re-air on Saturday, September 4th (1:30 PM/ET), and again on Sunday, Sept. 5 (11:00 AM/ET).

Fortsätt att läsa...


Källa: Country Music Tattle Tale


Förra året när Taylor vann kvällens största pris - Entertainer Of The Year!

2010-08-18 / POSTED IN: Nyheter

Nomineringarna till Grammys 2011 släpps i december

"The nominees for the 53rd annual Grammy Awards will be revealed during a live concert on CBS on Dec. 1. The one-hour special will announce nominations in several categories and will feature performances by past Grammy winners and/or nominees. Presenters, performers and additional information will be announced at a later date. The Grammy Awards will take place at the Staples Center in Los Angeles on Feb. 13, 2011, and will air live on CBS."

Källa: CMT

Hur många nomineringar tror ni att hon får i år? Nu när Speak Now kommer att släppas innan?

Förra året tog hon ju emot 8 nomineringar och vann fyra av dem!

Lägger ni märke till att The Grammy Awards 2011 kommer att vara den 13 februari?

2010-08-17 / POSTED IN: Nyheter

MINE musikvideo: 27 augusti!

Markera in den 27 augusti med fet stil i era kalendrar, för det är dagen då musikvideon för MINE kommer att släpppas! Under en live sändning kommer Taylor tillsammans med Katie Cook utöver att visa musikvideon, diskutera inspelningsplatserna och visa exklusiva behind-the-scenes klipp från videon.

Taylor Swift premieres her new music video in a live half-hour special event. Swift and host Katie Cook will discuss some of the music video locations, present exclusive behind-the-scenes footage and unveil the world premiere of "Mine," the first release from her brand new album, Speak Now.

Källa: CMT


2010-08-17 / POSTED IN: Nyheter

Bowling Hall Of Fame

Är det något hon inte kan vinna?!

Taylor Swift has been chosen to join the International Bowling Museum and Hall of Fame following a fan-voted poll hosted by the Bowling Proprietors' Association of America. Her plaque and photo will be placed at the museum in Arlington, Texas, this summer. More than 1.3 million online votes were cast among the nine nominees, with Justin Bieber coming in second. Swift enjoys going bowling with her band and friends.

Källa: CMT



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