2015-02-28 /
POSTED IN: Nyheter
Intervju med The Telegraph
När Taylor var i London gav hon en exlusiv intervju med The Telegraph där hon bland annat pratar om att hon önskar att det var Swiftmas varje dag.
Taylor Swift: 'A relationship? No one’s going to sign up for this'
In an exclusive interview with The Telegraph, the world's biggest pop star reveals why she'll always be a worrier, how she wishes it could be 'Swiftmas' every day and muses on whether she's capable of having a happy relationship
Taylor Swift is not only the biggest pop star on the planet, but also the biggest worrier. Right now she is worrying about this interview – her first major sit-down chat of the year. She has just come from a production meeting for her forthcoming world tour, fretting about the set list, sight lines and how to get her piano to the right part of the stage at the right time. Before that, when she woke up, she was immediately gripped with anxiety about something she said last night (even though it was only using the word ‘interjection’ when she meant ‘injection’). ‘I worry about everything all the time,’ she says with a grin. ‘We could do our entire interview me telling you how many things I’ve worried about since breakfast. “The Neuroses of Taylor Swift” is probably going to be the article headline.’
Most pop stars of Swift’s stature pay other people to worry about these things. And while the buzz of activity as we arrive at the well-appointed Beverly Hills house being used by Team Swift for their production meeting indicates that she has no shortage of people looking out for her, she remains hands-on with every aspect of her career.
But then the one thing she doesn’t need to worry about is how that career is going. It is Grammys weekend when we meet, and although Swift is attending rather than performing, she is still going to be the centre of attention.
There are plenty of reasons. She is the only artist ever to sell more than a million first-week US copies of three separate albums – Speak Now in 2010, Red in 2012, and 1989, released in October, which racked up the biggest first-week American sales since 2002 and went to number one around the world, including the UK, where it was the best-selling album by an international artist last year. Its lead single, Shake It Off, was an iTunes number one in 64 countries. She is the first artist since the Beatles to spend six or more weeks at number one in the United States with three consecutive albums (at the time of writing, 1989 is into its 11th week at the top).
Läs även artiklarna Taylor Swift reveals the last time she was thoroughly unpleasant to someone och 10 ridiculously cool things Taylor Swift has done for her fans.
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