2014-11-12 /
POSTED IN: Nyheter
Taylor pratar om att fylla 25
Taylor intervjuades av PopCrush, de pratade bland annat om hennes nya album 1989 och hur det känns att fylla 25.
”I know that I don’t have the option of making music that sounds just like what I’ve done before,” Taylor Swift tells PopCrush, talking about what went through her head when making her new album, ’1989.’ “People will call me out on it. They’ll see right through it.”
“They’ll see that I was lazy,” she adds with a laugh. “So with this album I definitely changed things up and I think I changed them for the better.”
’1989′ is Taylor’s first “official” pop album (meaning, there’s not a single track here that was made with country radio in mind), but it’s not a total musical rebirth — just her next act as an artist. Her commitment to telling a story with her lyrics hasn’t changed.
During our conversation about ’1989,’ Taylor chats with us about developing as a songwriter and the tracks on the album that she’s most proud of (as well as Ed Sheeran and Lorde‘s favorite songs). Plus, just before celebrating her 25th birthday this December, she reflects on the past 10 years of her life — and why she wouldn’t want to fix any of the mistakes she’s made. Read the full interview below.
Who was the first person to listen to ’1989,’ and what was their reaction?
I think one of the first people that I played the entire album for was my friend Ella, who goes by Lorde. She’s one of my favorite people to kind of bounce ideas off of — she gives really good advice. And it’s interesting to see what her favorites are. Another person that’s heard the entire album is Ed Sheeran. Having friends where who I completely respect their musical opinion is really helpful because they all have their different favorites and stuff, and their different favorites definitely reflect them as musicians, for sure.
Ella’s favorite is a song called ‘Welcome to New York,’ and Ed’s favorite song is called ‘Bad Blood.”’
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