2014-11-11 /
Intervju med Sean O’Pry
Vanity Fair intervjuade Sean O’Pry, som är Taylor i hennes nya musikvideo till singeln Blank Space. Intervjun är mycket läsvärd. Ni kan se musikvideon här.
So, how did this come about? Did Taylor’s team approach you? I remember [my manager] called me. I think I had just left [acting] class, and she was like, “You have the option to be in a Taylor Swift music video,” and I was like, “O.K., confirm it.” She was like, “No, they have to confirm you.”
Had you met Taylor before the shoot? No, I did not know her personally. [Wry smile] I mean, I had heard of her a few times, for sure.
What was the shoot like? Those properties looked insane. It was upstate. It was in two different properties. They were both incredible. And I remember walking up—there was this mass of people—and it was five in the morning and I was half asleep. So we start getting ready, and the first scene is her beating up the car. That’s what we started with; that’s how me and Taylor met. It definitely—any jitters I might have had, that knocked them all away.
What was it like working with her? She deserves to be in the place she is. The way she handles things, the way she does things . . . She’s gorgeous, obviously. And very, very talented. When you bring [director] Joseph [Kahn] into the project, it was a winning idea right off the bat with those two.
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Postat av: Ella
Hur går det med den nya designen? Är super nyfiken!
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