Taylor Swift Sweden | Sweden's Largest Fansite Dedicated To Taylor Swift -

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2014-02-11 / POSTED IN: Magazine

Kort artikel från Yahoo! News

Taylor Swift says inspiring people is a "natural extension" of her.


The 24-year-old singer is currently in the midst of the Europe stint of her RED tour. Her songs are known for being heart-felt and giving encouragement to fellow females during difficult times.


Although she looks to her own experiences when coming up with songs, Taylor is pleased others can relate.


"I don't have any of that in my head when I write them. It's maybe a natural extension of me talking about not taking cr*p from people that others might take inspiration from that," she replied when British magazine Look asked whether she thinks her songs can inspire women to be strong and determined.


"That would make me very happy if my songs can reach out to people and lead them to do something positive... My songwriting will always have a confessional aspect, because I naturally draw on my life and my stories. I don't want to keep repeating the same things, though - you want to be able to explore those themes in different ways and have something new to say."


When she isn't performing Taylor tries to go about leading a relatively normal life. However she understands the responsibilities that come with her star status and works hard to put them into action.


"Shopping and going out of the house is a social occasion for me. I know if I leave the house, I have to be ready to deal with meeting fans," she explained.


"I need to make sure I'm not in a bad mood, because it's important to me to have that connection with my fans. I'd never want to appear anything less than happy to meet the people who support me. I'll never take that for granted."


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