slide show
2013-06-26 / POSTED IN: Övrigt

Ed pratar om Taylor i ny intervju

Från och med 7:05 pratar Ed om Taylor i en ny intervju med TannerFM. Ed säger några fina saker om Taylor så missa inte att lyssna på den nedan! Orkar ni inte göra det hittar ni vad han säger i text nedanför ljudklippet.
It’s weird, man. I never thought that I could be that good friends with a musician that I met through music. All my school friends are like my close friends, and everyone else is kind of acquaintances. And coming to America, I think there’s a lot of ego in the music industry and a lot of fake chauvinism, I guess. And I met her and she had exactly the same views as me on everything, and had been successful and has managed to maintain humility throughout it. So that’s what kind of first drew me towards her. And then just finding out that as a person, she’s got a wicked sense of humor, she’s very family-oriented, she works very hard. We just clicked. I don’t think we really go a day without speaking, which is cool. It’s helping me through this whole mental process, to have somebody who’s already been through it.
No, because I’m not dating her. I think that’s the thing. I’m not ever going to hurt Taylor in the sense that I’m going to break her heart or something like that. […] I don’t think there will ever be a point where me and Taylor fall out. I remain to be brutally honest with her. Like, the other day she was trying on outfits for her Rolling Stones performance, and she goes “What do you think of this?” and I told her she looked like a blackjack dealer. Although she was kind of hurt at the time, I think she appreciates the honesty, so I don’t think we’ll ever fall out from something like that because we are very honest with each other. And like I said, I’m not going to be dating her anytime soon.


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