Fler Wonderland Magazine outtakes
From Wonderland Magazine:
Us and Taylor really got on, not least because of all the inflatable animals and suchlike that Taylor messed around with on set, but because she’s genuinely a good egg: honest, expansive, funny, and full of odd, touching analogies about what it’s like to be so young, so famous, and so thoroughly hounded by blogs and tabloid newspapers all the time. For the full story (including giraffes, pink phones, Prada sunnies and white loafers) be sure to pick up the new issue, which is available in all good newsagents this week. Until then, here’s the topline bits everyone needs to know about our girl Tay.
1. She likes M.I.A.
(‘Bad Girls’ was the first track she whacked on the stereo for the Wonderland cover shoot. Other surprises from Taylor’s iPod: Muse, Gucci Mane.)
2. She wasn’t all that sure about ‘We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together’
“When I wrote [that song], first of all, I thought it was the longest title ever written. I thought, “I don’t know how well this is going to go over.”
3. She has a lot of feelings.
“If you’ve ever experienced great pain, loss or heartache, you know there are probably about 50 different mini-emotions going on throughout the course of a day. It’s very complex; you’re never feeling just sad. Maybe you wake up and you feel sad, and then you get angry, and you feel like, ‘I’m fine!’, and then you feel confident, and then you feel a sense of doubt, and then you’re insecure, and then there’s jealousy, and then you’re back to sad – and then you feel fine again! All in the course of an afternoon if you’re going through something difficult.
4. She DID NOT buy a house in London just to be close to Harry Styles.
“When I go out in public or go to the grocery store, if someone asks me about something then I know it’s a big deal. If the check-out cashier says ‘I heard you bought a house in England,’ I’ll be like, ‘no, I didn’t.’ And they’ll be like ‘well it said it when I checked my email this morning.’
5. Despite being the only popstar to make a hit with the phrase “like, ever”, she wants to tighten up her syntax. (Well, kind of).
“I’m trying to say ‘like’ less… It makes me sound like I’m seventeen. [But] I only just decided that five minutes ago. It’s not a thing I’m actively doing.”
6. She is not dating a cowboy (as predicted here), or a foreign stranger, (as predicted here).
“I’ll be interested to see how it all plays out. [But] so far, none of that has happened.”
7. She doesn’t know what the hell she’s doing, and doesn’t mind.
“Well, I’ve kind of realised that I have no idea where I’m going to be next year, or in six months, or in two months. I mean, I know where I’ll be on tour in two months, but no idea where I’m going to be mentally, emotionally, dreams, goals, wishes, hopes. I have no idea if I’m going to get married or be single forever or have a family or just be on my own. You know, paint in a cottage by the ocean by myself. You know, I just have no idea and I’m kind of into that.”
Read the full interview with Taylor Swift in Wonderland’s summer 2013 “Outspoken” issue. Buy the issue online, on iPad, or at all good newsagents.
Åh, jag gillar detta! Bilderna är så sextiotal och intervjun verkar lovande! Taylor <3
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