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2012-10-19 / POSTED IN: Nyheter

Taylor i The Guardian

Swift's tendency to romanticise has not gone uncriticised. Detractors have accused her of everything from peddling false fairytales to young girls, to continually complaining about ex-boyfriends. She dismisses the snark curtly: "When we're falling in love or out of it, that's when we most need a song that says how we feel. Yeah, I write a lot of songs about boys. And I'm very happy to do that." But what's more interesting about Swift's penchant for romance is the conflict that's underpinned it ever since she gently, sadly called it out in the very first line of her career: "He said the way my blue eyes shine put those Georgia stars to shame that night. I said, that's a lie." Swift may buy into a patriarchal fantasy on Love Story, but she rejects it precisely for being a fantasy on White Horse. And the counterpoint to Swift's love of capturing moments is her obsession with impermanence and the passing of time.


"I think that one thing I'm really afraid of is … that magic doesn't last," she says. "That butterflies and daydreams and love, all these things that I hold so dear, are going to leave some day. I haven't had a relationship that's lasted for ever. I only know about them starting and ending. Those are my fears. I spend a lot of time balancing between faith and disbelief."


Does she think the way fairytales are sold to young girls can be damaging?


"A fairytale is an interesting concept. There's 'happily ever after' at the end, but that's not a part of our world. Everything is an ongoing storyline and you're always battling the complexities of life. But what I got from fairytales, growing up, was a beautiful daydream. I'm glad I had the craziest imagination and believed in all sorts of things that don't exist."


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