Artikel om Red för USA TODAY
8:18PM EDT October 17. 2012 - NASHVILLE -- Just outside downtown, Taylor Swift is preparing for an upcoming performance, taking her band through We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together at a local rehearsal hall. With all the electric instruments running straight to the soundboard and into musicians' headphones, the only things audible are the voices of Swift and her background singers, acoustic guitar and drums.
Stripped down that way, devoid of all the production extras brought to the single by Swedish duo Max Martin and Shellback, Never Ever sounds more like a folky singalong than the frothy concoction that had the biggest digital sales week of any song by a woman in Nielsen SoundScan history. It still retains its essential earworm quality, though, with a hook that gets in your head and refuses to leave.
That's exactly what Swift had in mind.
Later, in a sidestage room, the ponytailed singer calls Never Ever "a definitive portrait of how I felt when I finally stopped caring what my ex thought of me." But Swift still had to exact vengeance on the guy who "made me feel like I wasn't as good or as relevant as these hipster bands he listened to."
"So I made a song that I knew would absolutely drive him crazy when he heard it on the radio. Not only would it hopefully be played a lot, so that he'd have to hear it, but it's the opposite of the kind of music that he was trying to make me feel inferior to."
And why would Swift want to create a single specifically designed to torment someone?
"Because that's fun."
Såg nyss att de släppta låtarna (IKYWT, Begin Again, Red och State of Grace) finns på Spotify nu :D
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