8 hours with Taylor Swift

It looks like Taylor Swift is debuting more than just a new sound, she’s also debuting a new, mature look.
The singer teamed up with famed photog Nigel Barker for 8 Hours/Taylor Swift, a limited edition photo book that captures the crooner’s various sides: casual, Hollywood glam and and performer-chic. According to Sony, 8 Hours promises to be “one the most extensive photo collections of Swift published to date.” (You know, not counting the posters on your wall).
When we caught up with Barker at the Victoria’s Secret fashion show red carpet last night, he said he was surprised by Swift’s sultry side. “She’s not necessarily known for her sex appeal,” Barker told EW. “But she is someone who is emerging in a way that I’ve never seen.”
Barker spent a day (or, you know, 8 Hours) shooting the star on location in Southern California. “You’ll see her transform from a young girl into this rock and roll superstar, totally in your face,” he explained. “It’s unbelievable how she’s changed and of course how the music is changing and evolving. She’s one to watch.”
About 10 copies of the book signed by Swift and Barker will be auctioned off on eBay by Sony, with all proceeds benefiting the Boys & Girls Clubs of America. Fans can also get the book by purchasing a Sony Alpha DSLR or NEX camera at a Sony stores nationwide, while supplies last.
Källa #1
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