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2012-12-12 / POSTED IN: Nyheter

Pop Dust - Artist Of The Year: Taylor!

Pop Dust har utsett Taylor deras Artist Of The Year och släppte en artikel i samband med detta. Intervjun gjordes över telefon när Taylor var i Los Angeles och spelade in musikvideon för IKYWT. De pratar bland annat om succén med Red, hennes mamma, hur mycket Taylor oroar sig för allting, sin favoritlyric från albumet och lite smått och gott. Väldigt läsvärd!
Utdrag ur "Taylor Swift on anxiety, Mean Boys and Law and Order Marathons"

When you say your speaking voice has changed, have you lost your twang?
I think I talk how my friends talk. When I first moved to Nashville I was hanging out with all these kids with Southern accents, and I’d say “y’all” more and stuff like that. And now, I don’t know, I travel the world and I’ve developed my own way of talking.


Is there a lyric on Red you’re especially proud of?
The lyric I’m most proud of is from “All Too Well”: “And you call me up again just to break me like a promise / so casually cruel in the name of being honest.” That was something I came up with while ranting during a soundcheck. I was just playing these chords over and over onstage and my band joined in and I went on a rant. Those were some of the lines I thought of.


Who were you ranting at?
Hmm. I was going through a really hard time then, and my band joined in playing, and one of the first things that I came up with, just, like, spat out, was “And you call me up again just to break me like a promise, so casually cruel in the name of being honest.”


That’s a tough line.
[Laughs] It’s very… pointed.


How does writing with other people compare with writing by yourself? Is writing with others a very intimate experience?
Every cowriter is a different scenario, but they all start out with the same thing. I come in with a musical idea and I’ll play it for them on the guitar. But before that, I’ll tell them, for about 20 minutes, exactly why I want to write that and what I’m going through and why this guy did this and how it made me feel and when I met him and how I haven’t talked to him in 13 days and why I feel this and that. [laughs] And then I’ll play them the idea and say, “Do you want to work on this?” And if they say yes then we write that song.


Fortsätt att läsa...


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