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2011-10-15 / POSTED IN: Nyheter

Taylor donerar 6000 böcker

Taylor har donerat 6000 böcker till fyra bibliotek i hennes hemstad Reading, Pennsylvania! Läs mer om det nedan.

Taylor Swift is donating 6,000 books to the four public libraries in Reading, Pennsylvania—the town where she was born. The singer, in partnership with Scholastic, Inc., has let local librarians choose and divide the books among the various libraries, reports The Boot, but each volume will wear an identification star, to let young readers know where the book came from. Some will be handed out as prizes.


Taylor Swift is a country singer with extraordinary appeal among young girls. Library officials hope her incredible popularity with kids will get their attention and turn it on to reading. If these specially chosen books can inspire some of the girls from Taylor's own home town to spend more time reading, the project will be a success. Imagine the draw. Contests among fans to see who has read the most. Teens searching the stacks for the star-studded books. (Is Romeo and Juliette, by Shakespeare on the list? Taylor's song has a better ending.)

They will be easy to spot, because each book will wear a white star, right on the spine (where it can be seen when the books are on the shelves), and a special sticker identifying Taylor Swift as the donor. This project is part of a larger child literacy program spreading around the country, and thanks to Scholastic's help, the books can be purchased for around $68,000.


Taylor Swift hopes the initiative begun in her home town will spread to other towns and cities. Meanwhile, as every local knows, the town where Taylor grew up is pronounced REDing, not the way it looks. Read on!


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