Taylor pratar om julen
What's on Taylor Swift's Christmas list?
With her Speak Now tour over, Taylor Swift is enjoying some downtime in Nashville, catching up with family, reconnecting with friends — and creating homemade snow globes.
“That was my first time making snow globes out of mason jars, antique Christmas trinkets and glitter,” she tells PEOPLE of her recent holiday experiment. “I found out how to do it on Pinterest. It made for a lovely winter activity day — it made me feel like a little kid again.”
From the sounds of it, Swift — who turns 22 today — will spend a lot of time reflecting on her childhood this season, considering her favorite family tradition is trimming “a big Christmas tree” with ornaments she and brother Austin made as kids. “It’s so nostalgic,” she says, “looking back at all the Christmases past and comparing them to how different our lives are now.”
The singer — whose toasty “Nashville holiday uniform” consists of sweaters, jeans and boots — is currently taking a break from the busyness, though, and focusing on shopping for friends. “I like to get my friends gifts that show that I really know them,” she explains. “If one of my friends says something about wanting something, I’ll write it down and get that for them for Christmas.”
Her own holiday wish list is a bit simpler: it includes a pasta maker, antique picture frames and “anything from Free People or Anthropologie,” she shares. She has big holiday hopes for her fans, too. “I hope that they’re happy, wherever they are … that they feel loved by the people around them,” she shares. “And most of all I hope they feel appreciated by me. My life would look nothing like this without them.”
Såg nyss på någon twittersida att de hade länkat eran video om Taylor's födelsedag! Lite kul :) Här är deras twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/WMZQ, plus hemsidan där de skrev om eran video: http://www.wmzq.com/pages/mj.html?article=9506147#article_comments :)
i love you taylor swift
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