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2010-11-16 / POSTED IN: Magazine

Intervju med Glamour UK

När Taylor var på BBC Radio 1's Teen Awards blev hon intervjuad av Glamour Magazine UK. Här kommer intervjun!

Talk us through the creative process for Speak Now

It had a lot to do with my life. There are no co-writers - my writing is circumstantial. I often get ideas for songs on the tour bus at odd times. Like at 6am when no one is around, I'd just write. I soon realised that I could do it on my own and built up confidence. I'm always inspired by how life makes me feel. I feel the emotion that life conjures up and the songs I write get me closer to my feelings and realising who I am. It's a natural process.

What inspired you during the writing of your album, were you listening to anything in particular?

To me emotions sounds like melodies, so I try and translate how these melodic ideas feel in my head and get them into a song.

Do you like any of the British artists currently on the scene, and are there any you think could crack America?

I love Coldplay - they have had a natural evolution. Chris Martin is a great storyteller. There are loads of great British artists...I can't remember all of their names though.

You've won so many awards - including four prestigious Grammys! Where do you keep them all?

At the moment I'm refurbishing my new apartment and there's a big loft landing with a grand piano. I've got my Grammys on top of my piano and I look at them when I play.

Fortsätt att läsa...



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