2010-04-03 /
POSTED IN: Nyheter
Lite om ACM!
Från Big Machine Record's hemsida står det lite om ACM och att Taylor bland annat kommer uppträda på galan.
Utdrag från texten:
Entertainer of the Year nominees Toby Keith, Brad Paisley, Taylor Swift and Keith Urban have been scheduled to perform in addition to the previously announced Entertainer of Year nominees Kenny Chesney and Carrie Underwood. The winner of Top New Artist will also perform during the show.
Taylor Swift is nominated for five awards, including her first nod for Entertainer of the Year. If Swift wins Entertainer of the Year, she will be the eighth female in Academy history to win in this category. Swift is nominated as an artist and composer for Song of the Year for “You Belong With Me,” for which she is also nominated for Video of the Year and she also received a nomination for Top Female Vocalist. In 2009, Swift made history as the Academy’s youngest-ever winner for Album of the Year where she was honored as both artist and producer for Fearless. She was also honored last year with the ACM Crystal Milestone Award for career achievement.
Love Love Love
Utdrag från texten:
Entertainer of the Year nominees Toby Keith, Brad Paisley, Taylor Swift and Keith Urban have been scheduled to perform in addition to the previously announced Entertainer of Year nominees Kenny Chesney and Carrie Underwood. The winner of Top New Artist will also perform during the show.
Taylor Swift is nominated for five awards, including her first nod for Entertainer of the Year. If Swift wins Entertainer of the Year, she will be the eighth female in Academy history to win in this category. Swift is nominated as an artist and composer for Song of the Year for “You Belong With Me,” for which she is also nominated for Video of the Year and she also received a nomination for Top Female Vocalist. In 2009, Swift made history as the Academy’s youngest-ever winner for Album of the Year where she was honored as both artist and producer for Fearless. She was also honored last year with the ACM Crystal Milestone Award for career achievement.
Love Love Love
- Alla negativa, opassande eller som i någon form attackerar Taylor, TSS eller läsare tas omedelbart bort.
- Intresserad av länkbyten? Kontakta TSS via mejl: taylorswiftsweden@hotmail.com.
- Det här är ingen plats för ovårdat språk - vi har unga läsare.
- Vi stödjer heller inte diskriminering, påhopp eller hat mot övriga kändisar och personer.
- Vill du tipsa om någon nyhet du sett som vi missat? Släng iväg en kommentar!
- Kommentera inte med länkar till olagligt läckt musik, film eller liknande. De kommer tas bort.
- Från och med Juni 2012 kan vi svara på era kommentarer här på TSS. Om du har frågor angående Taylor kan du alltså lämna en kommentar på sidan eller mejla oss på taylorswiftsweden@hotmail.com.
- Taylor kan inte svara på kommentarer då detta inte är hennes officiella sida.
- Vi är fyra tjejer som kämpar med att hålla hemsidan uppdaterad för er. Vi är alla studenter och gör vårt bästa. Tiden räcker inte alltid till och vi ber om ursäkt om uppdateringen inte alltid är på topp. Vi hoppas ni har förstående över detta!