Behind-the-scenes SONY reklam
Taylor Swift is picture perfect! The busy Grammy-winning country music ingénue tells ET that she puts music first, but she's caught the acting bug -- and we have a look behind the scenes at her new Sony commercial!
"I've always been about telling a great story," says Taylor, "and whether that happens with music or whether that happens on screen, that's always something that I'm going to jump at the opportunity to do."
Airing nationwide starting April 26, the commercial for Sony Electronics' TX7 Cyber-Shot Camera features Taylor testing out the device's iSweep Panorama mode to capture all of her fans at one of her concerts.
"It's really cool," says Taylor. "I'm still pretty amazed by it."
Working on the Sony commercial is just one of many dreams come true for the 20-year-old star, who is currently touring and working on a new album. She tells ET, "All these things I used to dream about when I was a little kid, they all started happening."
Watch for more Taylor this Sunday when she appears on the Academy of Country Music Awards on CBS, hosted by Reba McEntire.
Visste ni att hon har gjort en reklam? Hade faktiskt ingen aning om det! Kanske den kommer visas här i Sverige, skulle vara sjukt coolt!:D
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