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2014-09-10 / POSTED IN: 1989

Rolling Stone: 22 saker om Taylor Swift

Taylor pryder som ni vet omslaget av det aktuella Rolling Stone Magazine och vi har publicerat både artikeln och bilderna från detta i tidigare inlägg. Nu har det släppts ytterligare en artikel online med saker som reportern fick veta av Taylor men som inte platsade i artikeln. Det är 22 saker som jag tycker är mycket tänkvärda.
22 Things You Learn Hanging Out With Taylor Swift

She has money in her blood.
Swift's mom, Andrea, was working as a mutual-fund wholesaler in Philadelphia when she met Swift's dad, Scott, who was a client. "They met in a meeting, and he asked her out," Swift says. "He had this farm 40 minutes outside of Philly, and he was throwing this big hoedown, and she came, and that's where they fell in love." As a girl, Swift wanted to be a stockbroker like her dad; she and her brother also took sailing and horseback riding lessons — "just in case we were put in a time machine and had to live in the 1800s."

She used to get drunk and cry about Joni Mitchell.
"When I first started drinking — when I was like 21 — I used to cry about Joni Mitchell all the time after a few glasses of wine," Swift says. "All my friends would know, once I started crying about Joni Mitchell, it was time for me to go to bed."

She actually does curse from time to time.
Although Swift has cultivated a pretty G-rated image, in private she's just like anyone else. At one point she's playing some rough demos of a few new songs on her iPhone when she pulls up one called "I Know Places," co-written with Ryan Tedder. Swift is playing the piano and hits a wrong note when she blurts out, "Fuck!" Blushing, the real-life Swift immediately attempts to cover the speaker on her phone.

She lives in the house Frodo Baggins built.
Earlier this year, Swift moved to Manhattan, where she bought a pair of adjoining Tribeca apartments for a reported $20 million. The building dates back to 1882, when it was built as a warehouse for a sausage dealer — she likes the way it feels like a farmhouse in the city, with lots of wood beams and exposed brick. The apartment was previously owned by Lord of the Ringsdirector Peter Jackson, but Swift says she didn't have to change very much. ("They have really great taste in paint colors.") She did, however, find a new use for one walk-in closet: "Now it's my greeting-card writing room!"

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