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2013-09-16 / POSTED IN: Twitter

Taylor twittrar om Pediatric Cancer Month


You would be hard pressed to find someone whose story on finding a life calling in pediatric oncology starts with Taylor Swift. Well, congratulations. That person is me.


It started with a song. "Ronan." When Taylor released that heartbreaking song about a boy who died of cancer before he could even turn four, when she sang that song live for Stand Up to Cancer, I cried. Taylor cried. Everybody cried. After listening to the song a few times, I realized I couldn't just let this go. I had to learn Ronan's story.


I cried throughout the whole weekend reading the blog posts his mom wrote. It wasn't just small, controlled tears. It was full on ugly crying, with a waterfall draining out of puffy, red eyes. As I learned his story, his family's story, I kept looking at pictures of that beautiful little boy with the most gorgeous blue eyes I've ever seen. My heart broke tenfold.


Ronan's story was not the first childhood cancer story I'd read or heard about, but his impacted me the most. His story was the first that I'd immersed myself in. He was also the first child I knew of who died of pediatric cancer. Soon enough, I felt like I had known him and his family, especially his mom. They drew me in, and Ronan touched a deep, unspeakable place in my heart. Thanks to Ro, I started to see the world differently.


At some point, I just knew. There was only one way I could continue after reading Ronan's story, after falling in love with him and knowing the pain he and his family endured before and after his death.


Fortsätt att läsa...


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- Vill du tipsa om någon nyhet du sett som vi missat? Släng iväg en kommentar!
- Kommentera inte med länkar till olagligt läckt musik, film eller liknande. De kommer tas bort.
- Från och med Juni 2012 kan vi svara på era kommentarer här på TSS. Om du har frågor angående Taylor kan du alltså lämna en kommentar på sidan eller mejla oss på
- Taylor kan inte svara på kommentarer då detta inte är hennes officiella sida.
- Vi är fyra tjejer som kämpar med att hålla hemsidan uppdaterad för er. Vi är alla studenter och gör vårt bästa. Tiden räcker inte alltid till och vi ber om ursäkt om uppdateringen inte alltid är på topp. Vi hoppas ni har förstående över detta!

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