slide show
2013-03-05 / POSTED IN: Magazine

Vanity Fair Magazine

Äntligen. Taylor pryder Vanity Fair Magazines aprilnummer och äntligen biter hon ifrån mot alla rykten om hennes kärleksliv (där inkluderas att hon har dejtat exakt två personer på tre år och hennes sida av historien om Harry Styles), att hon köper hus bredvid varje kille hon gillar och vad hon har att säga till Amy Poehler och Tina Fey. Läs den. Sprid vidare den. För jäklar vad bra Taylor är. 

“You know, Katie Couric is one of my favorite people,” Taylor Swift tells Vanity Fair contributing editor Nancy Jo Sales on the subject of mean girls in general and in response to an incident at this year’s Golden Globes, where Amy Poehler and Tina Fey mocked her highly scrutinized love life. “Because she said to me she had heard a quote that she loved, that said, ‘There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.’”]


Specifically of her dating life, Swift says that “if you want some big revelation, since 2010 I have dated exactly two people,” meaning Conor Kennedy and One Direction’s Harry Styles. Though she has gone out with some of the entertainment world’s most notorious bachelors, including Jake Gyllenhaal, Taylor Lautner, Joe Jonas, and John Mayer, Swift says, “[t]he fact that there are slide shows of a dozen guys that I either hugged on a red carpet or met for lunch or wrote a song with. . . it’s just kind of ridiculous.” As she sits drinking lavender lemonade in her “Tim Burton–Alice in Wonderland–pirate ship–Peter Pan” apartment, Swift continues, “It’s why I have to avoid the tabloid part of our culture, because they turn you into a fictional character.” When Sales asks Swift if she’s boy-crazy, Swift smiles. “For a female to write about her feelings, and then be portrayed as some clingy, insane, desperate girlfriend in need of making you marry her and have kids with her, I think that’s taking something that potentially should be celebrated—a woman writing about her feelings in a confessional way—that’s taking it and turning it and twisting it into something that is frankly a little sexist.”


Although one of Swift’s rules is that she doesn’t go into the personal details of any of her relationships, she authorized someone to discuss them with Sales. “He wore her down,” the source says of Styles, who allegedly “chased” Swift for a year. “He was all, like, ‘You’re amazing—I want to be with you. I want to do this.’” The relationship fell apart after he texted Swift to alert her of a picture on the Internet of him kissing a friend good-bye. They were “making outlike with their hands all up in each other’s hair,” says the source. After Swift ended the relationship, he pursued her for the better part of a year until she finally took him back. “But the whole time she says she feels like he’s looking at every girl,” the source continues. And then when they were in London together he “disappears one night and after that it was like he just didn’t want to keep going.” Styles’s rep, Benny Tarantini at Columbia Records, said that all of Swift’s source’s claims are “undeniably false.”


“It was like a pendulum for her, swinging back and forth,” the source says of Swift’s exes, with all of whom age has been a problem. Conor Kennedy, 17 at the time, was “just like a two-month thing,” the source continues, and Swift “says he was awesome.” The source says, “She dated Jake [Gyllenhaal] and John [Mayer] when she was really young and they were in their 30s, and she got really hurt. So it was like ‘That hurt—this won’t. But then it did.’”


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Postat av: Anonym

Asså fattar inte riktigt den biten med Harry. Är det hon som babblar upp massa rykten eller är det seriöst? asså fattar inte hehe tacksam för svar <3

Svar: Hon har valt ut en person som får berätta hennes sida av historia, för hon vill inte göra det själv! Å andra sidan så förnekar ju Harrys rep. om det som står, men Taylor skulle aldrig gå med på att artikeln skulle publiceras om den innehåller någonting som inte stämmer (alltså att hon "låtit" någon person prata om deras förhållande). Därför är det seriöst. Hoppas det förklarar något! kram :)
Taylor Swift Sweden

2013-03-05 @ 15:41:23
Postat av: Anonym

Okej tack så mycket! men vad menar du med "Harrys rep" (så jävla skönt att hon äntligen säger ifrån) <3

Svar: De som representerar Harry, d.v.s. någon/några från hans management/skivbolag. Alla kändisar har någon som förnekar/bekräftar nyheter i media.
Taylor Swift Sweden

2013-03-05 @ 16:12:49
Postat av: Anonym

Men dom säger att hon dejtat både john mayer och jake gyllenhaal? Eller har hon inte det? 2 pojkvänner?

Svar: Det var innan 2010/under 2010.
Taylor Swift Sweden

2013-03-05 @ 18:36:11
Postat av: Fanny S

Har väntat på en sån här intervju såååå länge!!!!

2013-03-06 @ 09:13:56

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- Vill du tipsa om någon nyhet du sett som vi missat? Släng iväg en kommentar!
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- Vi är fyra tjejer som kämpar med att hålla hemsidan uppdaterad för er. Vi är alla studenter och gör vårt bästa. Tiden räcker inte alltid till och vi ber om ursäkt om uppdateringen inte alltid är på topp. Vi hoppas ni har förstående över detta!

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