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2013-08-15 / POSTED IN: Nyheter

Intervju med Caras Magazine

Tror detta är en av de mest grundbaserade frågorna någonsin som ställts till Taylor på väldigt länge...! Intervjun med Caras Magazine är dock läsvärd så vill du veta lite mer om Taylor så hittar du lite smått och gott nedan.
Taylor, what are your best memories about growing up on a Christmas tree farm?
That I always had space to run and that I had the opportunity to play with my imagination. I also loved that my mum drew and painted with me.  I always remember that my parents loved me, and that is essential when you're a kid;  they always showed me how proud they were of my achievements. It's also very important when parents put their kids' drawings on the refrigerator (laughs)

What games did you like to play?
I loved to dress up and sing standing in front of lots of people and act as if I were in a theatre; and build a fortress. For me, being a kid was a lot of fun! And I believe that we all need to keep on being kids on the inside and be grateful for all the little things that we have in this life.

How was your personality when you were a kid? We know that you loved singing since you were almost a baby...
I was a very observant kid, and I tried to learn everything that I could. I was a very verbal kid, I was talking before I was even walking. I always wanted to know the "why" of everything, my mum says that I asked lots of questions.

How did you find yourself interested in music?
I was interested in music before I even knew what music was. I started to sing when I was one, two, three years old...and singing was something that I've always loved, without question. I started to act in children plays because my parents realized that every time I could, I would stand up in front of people and sing to them. I believe that acting in those plays still influences the way I plan my shows today, because everything in them is so theatrical and I like to tell a story with characters, and you can see that in my shows.

Which was the first instrument that you learned how to play?
The guitar. I was 12 at that time. We always had a piano in the house and I could play it whenever I wanted to, but I started to sing first with the guitar. I learned to play the 12 strings guitar,  someone told me that it was harder to learn with that one, but I kept trying and I made it. When I decide to do something, I don't stop until I get it right.

What role did your family and friends play in your success?
My family has played a very important role, because they have always helped me keep myself grounded and as "normal" as possible. They have helped me so that my priority is to keep a normal life while living in abnormal circumstances. My parents are always honest with me, even telling me things that I don't want to hear and that's very important to me, because if I were surrounded by people who only tell me what I want to hear all the time, I would be living in a world in which I would feel that I'm the only one who lives in it. And I believe that nobody should live in that world.

What do you admire in your parents?
In my dad, I admire his positive attitude and his love for everything he does. He loves being a stockbroker as much as I love being an artist. In my mum, I admire her organization, the way she solves her problems, her compassion towards other people and how she makes everything very quickly (laughs). She can decorate a full house in one week, or organize a party in a very short time, and things like that... She is very good solving problems.

We know that you don't get drunk, you don't have scandals like other celebrities do. What is the reason for that? How do you do it?
My family is not the kind that keep on saying "Don't do this or that"; the thing is that I don't want to disappoint them. And my dad always tells me that before I make a decision about something, to think about whether I would regret it when I'm 80 or not, and if I thought I would regret it, then not to do it. I know that we always make mistakes, we can't avoid them, but the best way to try to avoid them is to think of how I would see them in the future.

What are your three bigger strengths and weakness?
I'm trustworthy, friendly and curious. My weakness are that I'm too trusting, I think about things too much and I get stressed a lot.

What makes you happy, and what makes you feel sad?
The little and simple things make me happy. I like going to the supermarket and buying the ingredients to cook dinner for someone. I like painting, I like making gifts for my friends' birthdays, and I like writing letters to people. I think those things keep me sane.
One of the things that makes me sad is kids with cancer, that usually makes me cry. When I see those kids at my meets-and-greets I think that they shouldn't be sick like this. My day changes, and the way I looks at things changes too. Another thing that makes me sad is when hunters kill endangered species; that frustrates me. When people with tragic come to my meet-and-greets that makes me sad too. One time, someone told me that they had just lost their dad in an accident.. Another time a mother told me that she has just lost her daughter and that the girl used to love my music, so she wanted to tell me about her... There are so many bad and unexpected things that can happen to any of us..that each day we should be grateful if nothing big happened to us.

What do you consider to be your biggest achievement?
Winning a Grammy for Album of the Year (2010). I was fortunate to have won it while being so young.

What is the thing that you appreciate more in a friend?
They have to like to have fun, and they must know and be able to have fun even while doing nothing exciting. They must laugh about the same things I do..and they should be open and honest, because I can't have friends that don't talk about what they are going through.

What are you looking for in a partner?
Right now, I don't know. I thought I knew, but looking back, I don't think I'm looking for a relationship right now. I think that maybe, what I need is to take some time to realize what is what I really want.

What kind of movies do you like to watch the most?
Those that make you think about life, and what life is really about. I like 500 Days Of Summer and Love Actually. I also like historical movies like Saving Private Ryan and Forrest Gump.

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