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2012-10-26 / POSTED IN: Magazine

Två Yahoo! Music artiklar

Yahoo! Music har intervjuat Taylor och det har dykt upp två artiklar: en där hon pratar om "Ronan" och den andra allmänt om albumet! Läs dem nedan.

On Red, Swift worked with a lot of collaborators, and "Ronan" is officially billed as a collaborative effort, too. But in this case, it was really a solo composition, but Swift gave co-writing credit to Maya Thompson—whom she'd met only briefly, once, backstage at a show—because she borrowed many of the lines and ideas from Thompson's blog. As you may know, Thompson's online diarizing about the short life and death of her 4-year-old son, Ronan, who died of neuroblastoma in 2011, captivated much of the nation, including Swift. The singer was inspired to pen the song after reading of the boy's death, but she never told his parents she'd written the song. And when she did, they still didn't hear it until the rest of America did, the night of Sept. 7.


Taylor talks with Yahoo!"I think if I hadn't played it on Stand Up to Cancer, or Stand Up to Cancer hadn't happened, I would have ended up sending the song to Maya at some point," Swift tells us. "But I called her ahead of time and talked her through it and asked her if it was okay if I did this. You know, it was a really emotional experience knowing she was on the other end of the TV and that her husband and her two sons were going to be watching it. Hoping that you captured someone else's grief is a lot of pressure. But it was pressure I was happy to take on. Because she wrote it in such a beautiful and honest way that I just knew if I stuck close to what she felt and her stories that shetold, it would be something that she might appreciate as remembering her son, and as tribute."


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In the conclusion of Yahoo! Music's interview with Taylor Swift, we query the singer about her beguiling new single "Begin Again"—and how that contrasts with some earlier songs that were more about rough landings than sweet beginnings. Has she really gotten over her attraction to the "Treacherous" type? We'll let her explain.


YAHOO! MUSIC: "Begin Again" strikes me as being kind of the opposite of "The Way I Loved You," from the Fearless album.Then, you were contrasting the good guy you were with in the song with a less polite guy you were with before—and thinking about how you liked the bad guy better. "Begin Again" is looking back at the bad boy and thinking how you like the new, nice guy better.


SWIFT: That's an awesome, awesome observation. That's a really cool observation. I think that might be kind of growing up. When you think about the song on Fearless, "The Way I Loved You," you're reminiscing about the passion and the heated arguments and the dysfunction of a dysfunctional relationship, and you're fantasizing about it—and maybe you're seeing it with sort of a soundtrack behind it in your memory. You know, I think as you grow up, you start to realize that bad guys are really bad. They just are. They actually are! There's like a .0002% chance that you'll be the exception in changing them. I think that for "Begin Again," it was really an interesting revelation to want the good, and to know that you're moving towards something good, and to feel good about that.


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