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2010-11-19 / POSTED IN: Nyheter

Intervju om Thanksgiving Special

Nästa vecka, den 25 november, är det alltså dags för Taylors Thanksgiving Special och det har dykt upp en intervju med henne om detta. Låter väldigt spännande!

You're one of music's top stars, and one of the youngest ... and you're about to release your much-anticipated third album.

How do you handle it?

Taylor Swift is letting viewers experience that just as she did, as NBC offers a Thanksgiving-night treat with the new special "Taylor Swift: Speak Now" Thursday, Nov. 25.

The hour retraces the days leading up to and beyond the late-October debut of the hugely popular, Grammy-winning singer-songwriter's latest CD, which scored first-week sales of 1 million copies (the first time any album had achieved that since 2008). Her packed schedule included performances at a terminal at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York and on a double-decker bus in Hollywood.

"One of the things I wanted to do, during the craziest week of my life, was to document it," Swift explains. "I wanted to show how busy it would be, but I also wanted to find a way to showcase these new songs that mean a lot to me and to perform them in different settings. I really wanted to show what they look like in my mind. We did that on the 'Fearless' tour, and I've gotten to do it in music videos, but doing it like this in a TV special is something new for me.

"This is my first release where the album has come out in every country at the same time," Swift adds, "so not only have I been doing press for all of America, but also for all ov er the world. That means TV, radio and magazines in every country, and that's why it's been so busy."

Fortsätt att läsa...


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