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2010-01-22 / POSTED IN: Nyheter

Hollywood Crush om Taylor Swift!

Taylor Swift kommer uppträda med Today was a fairytale på Grammys! Det ska bli kul att se låten live! 

Såhär skriver Hollywood Crush:
"Just as she's burning up with digital sales of her "Valentine's Day" soundtrack song, "Today was a Fairytale," comes news that Taylor Swift will perform the song at the Grammy Awards on Jan. 31.

According to the country superstar's media twitter feed, she will perform the "world premiere performance" of the track on the show, where she is up for eight awards. She's battling it out against Lady Gaga and Beyonce for top diva honors at the show. She's up for a number of awards including Record of the Year, Song of the Year and Best Female Pop Vocal Performance. "To be recognized by the Grammys is the ultimate honor," she said about her nominations, adding that the recognition "absolutely is something that you daydream about."

She also has another track on the soundtrack, her Fearless re-release track, "Jump Then Fall." As if that news wasn't exciting enough; it's also been reported that "Fairytale" has already sold more than 98,000 downloads since being released to iTunes earlier this week.

Taylor is also bound to get even busier as the year rolls along. She recently tweeted she's in the studio working on new music, plus "Valentine's Day" (the aforementioned movie in which she stars alongside Taylor Lautner) opens February 12 (the soundtrack is out Feb. 9) and she's going to hit the road again this spring. What can't this girl do?"

Är det något inte taytay kan göra!?<3<3

Love Love Love

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