slide show
2013-05-06 / POSTED IN: Övrigt

Ett kort från Taylor till en radiopratare

2013-04-09 / POSTED IN: Övrigt

Selena om Taylor: "She sent me a picture of a cat"

I just talked to her yesterday. She sent me a picture of a cat. It was a meme. We ended up just sending pix back & forth. Taylor is trying to convince me to get a cat. I have 6 dogs. She has Meredith. I love Meredith. Maybe she’ll have to give me her.

- Selena Gomez om Taylor
2013-04-03 / POSTED IN: Övrigt

Vad tycker Taylor om Selenas nya album?

Selena Gomez besökte On Air With Ryan Seacrest igår för att diskutera sitt uppkommande album och fick frågan om Taylor har fått höra några av hennes nya låtar! Lyssna nedan om vad Selena hade att säga om det.
Källa #1
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2013-03-11 / POSTED IN: Övrigt

Citat av Ed Sheeran

Interviewer: Out of all your celebrity friends, who has the most kick-ass house?

Ed: Taylor. Because, Taylor is arguably one of the richest women in pop, and she is so understated and I love it. She lives in a very tiny cottage. She doesn't wear jewelry, doesn't have expensive art in her house, it's just a small cottage, very quaint, her cat lives there with her, and she watches CSI Miami and that's it. So she has the coolest house from the point of view that she doesn't need to buy a huge mansion cos it's just her and her cat that live there.
2013-02-25 / POSTED IN: Övrigt

Citat: Taylor om Ed Sheeran

"Ed's harmonies are so unlike anyone else's, and the vocal parts he thinks of are so beautiful," Swift said in an email. "I think the fact that we became immediate friends brought something to our writing. There was something effortless about how we got along, and something effortless about how we collaborate."
2013-02-22 / POSTED IN: Övrigt

Little Mix pratar om Taylor på röda mattan

Under röda mattan inför Brit Awards stannade tjejbandet Little Mix till vid en reporter som frågade vilka uppträdanden de såg framåt emot mest. Tjejerna verkade stora fans av Taylor! Ni kan se vad dem sa om Taylor vid 1:31.
2013-02-19 / POSTED IN: Övrigt

Harry Styles pratar om Taylor
Om Taylors uppträdande på The 55th Annual Grammy Awards för någon vecka sedan:
"She's a great performer and she always performs great. She's always good on the stage. She's been doing it a long time. She knows what she's doing on stage. It was just another good Taylor Swift performance. It was good."
Om de kommer att stöta på varandra på BRIT Awards:
"I'm not worried about seeing her at all. She's a sweet girl, you know. I don't have a bad word to say about her."
2013-02-12 / POSTED IN: Övrigt

Musik av Caitlin Evanson

Vi har varit något dåliga på att sprida vidare Taylors bandmedlemmars musik. Några av er kanske inte visste att bland annat Liz, Caitlin och Paul fokuserar på en musikkarriär vid sidan av Taylor? Vi har tidigare tipsat om Liz musik och nedan hittar ni två nysläppta låtar av Caitlin. Otroligt bra! Ni hittar mer av hennes gamla musik här.
Wine And Vinyl - Caitlin Evanson
Isn't Love A Beautiful Liar - Caitlin Evanson
2013-02-04 / POSTED IN: Övrigt

Miranda Lambert vill samarbeta med Taylor

"I would like to work with [Taylor] Swift and with Carrie Underwood too," Miranda tells Yahoo. "There is room for [all of] us three [in country music]. We are all three different [types] of country -- well, Taylor's kind of all over everywhere -- but I think it would be cool for the three of us to collaborate."
Miranda believes they would all come out ahead if the three artists were to join forces. "I love girl power," she explains. "The more the merrier! It's not competition. It makes us all look better to help each other."

2013-02-03 / POSTED IN: Övrigt

113 Letters To Taylor Swift

Tonja, en läsare här på TSS, har startat upp ett projekt! Det heter 113 Letters To Taylor Swift vilket betyder att hon kommer sätta ihop en bok med 113 brev till Taylor för att sedan ge det till henne på något sätt. Läs mer om hennes projekt här och skicka in ett brev! 
Hi there! :)

On a dizzy but normal morning I was thinking about stuff happening in my life at the time and caught myself thinking that I would like to tell Taylor about it. To hear her thoughts on it and share it with her. I thought to myself” I wonder how many people who wish this and that are affected by her songs on a daily basis?.” I mean, Taylor Swift is so much more than just music. And that’s when I got this crazy idea. What if I started a project where I got people to write letters to Taylor and then put it all together in a book? What if there were more people who would like to share? So here I’m thinking that I should try to give this “113 Letters to Taylor Swift”-project a chance. So what do YOU have to do? All I want you to do is love Taylor Swift and her music in some way. I want you do share a story, a moment or a place with her. Maybe when you fell in love for the first time or when you got your heart broken, how’s it is being on the outside looking in, when you lost someone you really loved, a moment and time that changed your life, your thoughts on life or something else that made a mark on your life. I want you to write whatever you feel like about your fears, hopes and dreams. 

I myself will of course write something my own and I really hope you want to participate. I want you to start with “Dear Taylor” and end it however you want by signing your name, age and place. The goal is to reach 113 letters to Taylor. Please spread this project and mail your letters to: If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask! If this project succseed I want to find a way to give this book with all of your letters to Taylor herself. Please help me with this project! Without your stories there will be no book. So please write, I know you can.

Love Love Love, -T
2013-01-23 / POSTED IN: Övrigt

Taylor skickar blommor till NYCs nya countrystation

New York City startade upp den första countryradiostation Nash FM i staden för några dagar sedan! Taylor och 13 Management skickade blommor för att gratulera radiostationen och vem annars om inte Taylor pryder deras vägg?
2013-01-21 / POSTED IN: Övrigt

Citat av Selena om Taylor

Selena Gomez har blivit intervjuad av People Magazine och nämnde några ord om sina bästa vänner, inklusive Taylor!
The starlet, 20, counts Taylor Swift, 23, and Vanessa Hudgens, 24, among her inner circle, and she has plenty of compliments for their support along the way.

"It’s helped having Taylor and Vanessa both be older than me," she told PEOPLE at her New York City acoustic concert benefit for UNICEF, the children's rights organization for which she is a goodwill ambassador. "They’ve kind of experienced a little bit more, and at the same time we’re experiencing the exact same things together."
And if imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, her feelings on Swift – whom she called "one of the most inspirational, positive, good-hearted people that I know" – were clear by an addition to her concert set-list: a cover of the Red singer's hit, "I Knew You Were Trouble." (Yes, she also learned a dance to her friend's tune, just before the two hit the Utah ski slopes in December with their boyfriends at the time.)

“I met [Swift] when she was 18. This is before [Swift's 2008 album] Fearless came out, and it was absolutely incredible to see someone so successful and so humble," she says. "I think she has been a big part of me kind of staying the way I am too."
Källa #1
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» Ni har väl inte missat vår tävling som avslutas på onsdag?! Var med och tävla om fina priser här.
2013-01-18 / POSTED IN: Övrigt

Selena Gomez pratar om Taylor
We both experienced the same things at the same time. But we’ve never once talked about our industry. She just became the person I’d go to for an issue with my family or boyfriend. It’s so hard to trust girls, so I’m lucky to have her.
- Selena Gomez

2013-01-17 / POSTED IN: Övrigt

Artikel med Ed Sheeran om Taylor

Det har släppts en artikel där Billboard har intervjuat Ed Sheeran. Bland annat diskuterar de om Red-turnén och Ed säger fina ord om vår favorittjej!

It's likely to grow exponentially when Sheeran takes his featured spot on Swift's Red Tour. The association began when Sheeran learned about Swift writing some of his song lyrics on her arm during a show in Australia. He eventually met Swift's manager at Sheeran's own show in Nashville, and he and Swift hooked up for "Everything Has Changed" for her "Red" album, as well as two other songs that remain unreleased.


"I'm a fan of Taylor's, not just her work but her ethics and that she writes her hits herself and she's probably the only woman in her position in the industry who writes 100 percent of her hits," explains Sheeran, who also co-wrote the One Direction hit "Little Things." "It's a very cool thing. The song that ended up on her record was pretty much 100 percent her idea in the first place; I did what I could to help, but she definitely knows what she's doing."


As for the tour, Sheeran readily says that, "I don't know what's going to happen. I've never really played to crowds that big before, so I'm hoping it goes down well. The longest I've played in a stadium was six songs at Wembley Stadium for some big radio event. That was mental. So doing that with Taylor night after night is definitely going to be an experience."


Fortsätt att läsa...

Källa #1
Källa #2
2013-01-16 / POSTED IN: Övrigt

KEDS utställning i en skoaffär i Berlin

2013-01-14 / POSTED IN: Övrigt

Rykten: Taylor sjunger en låt som heter "I'm Alright"

Vi har fått ett flertal mejl och kommentarer som tipsar om en låt som Taylor påstås ha skrivit och sjungt som är "läckt". Låten heter I'm Alright och det är varken Taylor som har skrivit eller är den som sjunger låten. Alla rykten kring låten är falska och även om Taylors och tjejen som heter Jersey Greens röst låter väldigt lika, hör man ändå väldigt tydligt att det inte är Taylor som sjunger. Låten må vara catchy, men det är alltså verkligen inte hon som sjunger den.
Sprid gärna vidare detta. Om ni vill lyssna på låten kan ni göra det här.
Vid tillfället går det runt väldigt många rykten kring Taylors privatliv och hon får ta emot många negativa kommentarer på skvallersidor och på twitter. Se till att slänga iväg ett par tweets till Taylor så att hon vet att vi stöttar och älskar henne! Hennes twitter hittar ni här.
2013-01-12 / POSTED IN: Övrigt

Citat om Taylor av Lena Dunham

Lena Dunham, som är skaparen av tv-serien Girls som Taylor är ett fan av, pratade om henne i Vulture Magazine:
Anyone who thinks Taylor Swift isn’t good for the girl cause has to be crazy, because any woman who’s dominating the charts, the creative director of her own empire, and made whatever millions of dollars last year is only lifting us up. Killing it. And she’s super-creative, an amazing role model, beautiful…..And I think it’s fake intellectuals who don’t have an interest in her. I think real intellectuals would be interested in what she’s doing and understand that she represents something really cool and like a great cultural shift. Anyone who tries to debate Taylor Swift with me, I’m like, “You are an uninformed consumer, and you will be shut down. You’re not doing this.

2013-01-07 / POSTED IN: Övrigt

Citat: Ed Sheeran om Taylor

"I think Taylor is the master of treating her fan base well, making good music, and sticking to her own morals and working hard."

Ed Sheeran
2013-01-03 / POSTED IN: Övrigt

Favoriter 2012: Del 7

Er favorit från Del 6:
Bilderna för albumet Red var era favoriter från del 6 där ni fick välja och vraka bland ett flertal photoshoots som Taylor hade under 2012. Håller med majoriteten av er (som valde Red Album Photoshoot!) - bilderna är jättefina! Nedan finner ni ett urval.
Sista delen kvar! Vi hade kunnat haft ytterligare ett tiotal "favoritröstningar", men känns som om det räcker nu. Ska börja med en årsresumé nu ikväll och Januari borde dyka upp imorgon. Eftersom det inte händer överdrivet mycket i Taylor-världen så får ni iallafall något att läsa!
I sista röstningen får ni bestämma eran favorit-look/hårstil som Taylor haft på olika event, awardshows och TV-framträdanden. Som tidigare sagt kunde vi inte ta med alla, men det finns gott om alternativ. Ni kan även rösta på två om ni har svårt att bestämma er!
2013-01-01 / POSTED IN: Övrigt

Favoriter 2012: Del 6

Er favorit från Del 5:
Ingen kan väl glömma den otroliga "duett" som Taylor och Zac Efron uppträdde med på The Ellen Show tidigare i år? Det var erat favorituppträdande från 2012.
Nu har vi bara två "favoritdelar" kvar. I denna del får ni rösta fram erat favoritphotoshoot från året som gått! Det kanske är svårt för er att komma ihåg hur alla bilder ser ut från photoshootet, men ni förstår nog stuket för samtliga.
» Denna gång kan ni välja upp till två alternativ (om det är några som har lite svårt att välja!). Så vilken är eran favorit?
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