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2011-06-16 / POSTED IN: Nyheter

Adam Young pratar ut

Adam Young (Owl City), som låten Enchanted handlar om, har pratat ut med Us Weekly om Taylor! Han avslöjar väldigt många detaljer om dem, men intervjun är ändå väldigt läsvärd för Adam verkar vara en gullig kille. Jag hoppas vi får se en duett mellan dem två i framtiden för det skulle vara helt fantastiskt! ♥

From Fireflies to butterflies! After releasing his megasmash "Fireflies" in 2009, Owl City's Adam Young attracted a lot of attention. And then Taylor Swift got wind of him and you know how that went. Well, she wrote a song about him - "Enchanted" on her 2010 disc, Speak Now – and he responded with his own cover of it on Valentine's Day. So what really went down between the music superstars – and what was that Jake Gyllenhaal thing all about? I recently sat down with Young to discuss his third album, All Things Bright And Beautiful (released yesterday) and find out about his famed flirtation.



US: Is your cover of Taylor Swift's 'Enchanted' on the new album?

AY: It's not on the new record. That was such a fun thing to do. The plan was to surprise everybody and put that out for Valentine's Day. I had been planning it for a while. It's fun to see kids reactions. I never heard back from Taylor but I'm sure she's busy.


US: Do you think anything is going to ever happen between you two?

AY: I'm not sure. She's a great person, and I am so inspired by her music and the person herself, She is who her music makes her out to be. She's a superstar and I'm just this kid from a small town in the middle of nowhere, so I feel like that peasant in the midst of a princess and that whole classic story. But who knows? There's no telling.

US: Are you still single?

AY: Yes.


US: Were you surprised when the 'Enchanted' song came out and it was about you?

AY: Yeah I was! I bought her record at midnight when it came out and I was playing through it top to bottom. I love the classic adding up the letters in her lyrics. I got to that song and it added up to my name and I had to take a step back and decipher the code. We emailed back and forth for a while and she made some comment that I used the word 'Enchanted' and the word 'Wonderstruck' in an email and she said how she had never heard anyone really use that word before, so when that word was in the song, I was like this song has to be about me.


US: Did you also feel enchanted when you met her?

AY: Absolutely. I met her in New York and she came to one of my shows and after the show I was backstage in the green room and she was on her way up to meet me and that was the most nerve-racking few minutes of my life just waiting to meet Taylor Swift.  When I met her she was glowing and I was too. It's hard to put into words, but I was definitely wonder-struck to meet her.


US So if you guys were emailing, why do you think nothing ever happened?

AY:  I don't know.  I think I'm not the most romantic and eloquent guy in the world. She's just this endearing, wonderful girl and maybe I said something wrong, who knows. It went on for 3 or 4 months, something like that.


USWere you shocked when she ended up with Jake Gyllenhaal?

AY:  Not so much because we emailed back and forth just to say how you doing, nothing crazy serious. When I heard that it was cool. He's obviously a great guy, it's all good. Maybe I was a little heart broken but not too much.


US: Have you thought of emailing her again?

AY: I was hoping to work with her on this new record. I had this great song that I was dying to have her voice in so I tried to get it on there but she was in Europe or Australia somewhere, very busy which I totally get having been on this wild roller coaster myself for the past two years. I can't even imagine what she's up against so it didn't work out, but maybe the next record. It would be awesome to feature her on a song someday.


USDo you have any other famous crushes in the meantime?

AY:  Not really, she's only really been it.  Something about her is just so innocent. In a way it is like a diamond in the rough.  She's who she is and I love how she writes music to deal with life, to go about every bit of life's ins and outs, ups and downs, I love how she writes about those things that are so personal and you get to know her music and get to know her. I love how she blurs those two lines. She's very genuine. She's really only been it.  I've really only had eyes for her in the industry.

Källa #1
Källa #2
Postat av: Felicia


2011-06-16 @ 17:55:14
Postat av:

där har kommit ut en poster för "The Lorax" :)

2011-06-16 @ 21:18:14
Postat av: Anonym

diamond in the rough som han beskriver Taylor som , är med i exakt samma form i Selenas sång Who Says.

märkligt sammanträffande!

2011-06-16 @ 23:15:18
Postat av: Adina

Haha, han är så gullig!;P

2011-06-16 @ 23:26:50
Postat av: julia

vet du när det avsnittet när tayloor är hos ellen sänds i svensk tv?

2011-06-17 @ 01:47:27
Postat av: Jessica

OMG!!!! Såååååå gullllliiiiiggggttttttttt!!!!!

2011-06-17 @ 07:02:18

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