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2010-06-18 / POSTED IN: Nyheter

Intervju CMT Insider

CMT Insider har kommit med en intervju med Taylor som hon gjorde tidigare denna månad där hon pratar om sina sommarplaner, hennes nya album, Fearless Tour, CoverGirl och Lady Gaga! Lite allt möjligt!

Taylor Swift ended her Fearless tour earlier this month at Gillette Stadium near Boston, she talked to CMT Insider's Katie Cook about her life on the road and plans for the summer. Here's a portion of the interview:

We were with you when you kicked off your Fearless tour in Evansville, Ind., in 2009. Does that seem like a lifetime ago now?

Swift: It does. It was 15 months ago that we started this tour ... and it's slowly morphed into a more advanced version of what we started 15 months ago. I'm so excited that we're ending it in a stadium.

And it's a huge amount of people here. The Evansville show was almost 13,000 people, but this is almost 60,000.

I know. I keep having these moments where throughout the course of the day I'm like, "We're gonna play in a stadium tonight. We're gonna end the tour in a stadium -- 60,000 people." That's just so beautiful to try and wrap your mind around. And it's our second stadium that we've played on this tour, and I don't think that the newness is ever going to wear off playing stadiums for me.

With the tour over, do you think might actually get to do normal things -- like go to the movies?

Well, I'm actually going to be working on my record nonstop.

But you're supposed to have some time off this summer, aren't you?

For me, time off is working on a project and writing nonstop and spending all day and all night trying to get the exact perfect word for the third word in the second line of the bridge. For me, my life is a crossword puzzle at times. Like when I'm making an album, it's all about filling in the blanks and making it click. And when it finally does, it's so worth it.

Fortsätt läsa hela intervjun här...

Sen har ett kort klipp dykt upp från intervjun där hon pratar om Lady Gaga!

Love Love Love

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