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2013-10-10 / POSTED IN: Nyheter

Taylor Swift Education Center

2012 Taylor donerade 4 miljoner dollar till Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum och nu har dem byggt klart Taylor Swift Education Center, som bland annat består av tre klassrum. Egentligen skulle centret inte stå klart förrän i början på 2014, men det blev alltså klart tidigare än väntat och invigs redan på lördag. Läs mer om lärocentret i artikeln nedan! Där pratar Taylor om hur viktigt hon tycker att det är för barn/ungdomar/vuxna att ha en plats där de kan lära sig om musik och hur mycket det betyder för henne.

Five years ago, Taylor Swift was singing about sitting in class in her song, “Fifteen.” This week, the pop/country superstar is preparing to open three classrooms of her own.


On Saturday, the Taylor Swift Education Center will open earlier than expected at the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum. The center is the product of a $4 million donation Swift pledged in 2012 — the largest single donation made by an artist in the museum’s 46-year history.


The center, which had a previously announced opening date of early 2014, spans two floors and includes three classrooms and a learning lab, as well as an interactive children’s exhibit gallery that will open next year. Swift told The Tennessean on Tuesday that she was happy that the classrooms came first, as those were a priority for her and the museum.


“In school, I was taught a certain amount about music, a certain amount about theater, and that interest sparked something in me. It made me look elsewhere to learn much more about it,” said Swift, now 23.


“I think, for me, it’s just going to be so interesting to see Nashville continue to be this hub for music, and this hub for music education. I love the fact that people are coming from all over the world to go to school for music (in Nashville), I love the fact that this is now a new opportunity for kids to be a part of programs that are going to help them know more about what we do here.”


The completed center will give the museum seven times more space for new programs, as well as firmly established ones. Museum director Kyle Young said that about 75,000 students participated in the museum’s educational offerings in 2012. “This gives us a lot more space to do a lot more things,” Young said.


Those plans expand beyond music, and won’t just be geared for children, but teens, adults and seniors, as well.


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