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2011-01-18 / POSTED IN: Nyheter

Yoann Lemoine pratar mer on BTD video

MTV har gjort en intervju med Yoann Lemoine, regissören av Back To December musikvideo, där han bland annat förklarar varför det snöar inomhus i scenerna med Taylor. Det är en väldigt intressant artikel för man får veta lite mer om hur han tänkte med videon!

In her video for "Back to December," Taylor Swift finds herself and her home covered in snow while she contemplates the best way to apologize to her former beau, played by model Guntars Asmanis, for breaking his heart. Director Yoann Lemoine tells MTV News that he had a certain aesthetic he wanted to capture for the chilly clip, which was shot partly in Nashville (for Swift's scenes) and Upstate New York (for Asmanis' scenes) in December.


"I wanted the video to be very simple and metaphorical at the same time," the Frenchman explained. "I wanted to work on the coldness of feelings in a very visual way, playing with the snow, the distance and sadness. [Taylor] really liked it. The winter theme was very interesting to me — the snow, the ice. I even wanted the guy to go swim in frozen lakes at some point. It was not possible, but I wanted to translate how you feel sometime when your heart is broken. The snow in the apartment is supposed to show how connected she is to him. He is outside, in the cold, but somehow she is connected to him."


Swift pretty much let Lemoine have control over the clip's look and feel, although it was her idea to have her character leave the letter for her beloved. As for Swift's look in the video, Lemoine says he was focused on making sure that it all felt real and that she came off as accessible.


Fortsätt att läsa...

Postat av: André

Tyckte att jag kände igen allt när jag läste, men den liknar interjuven som CMT gjorde med honom :P

2011-01-18 @ 22:54:41
Postat av: - Zac E, Vanessa H, Ashley T m.fl

Verkligen kul att du skaffat Twitter :)

2011-01-19 @ 00:08:18

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